
Skyrim creation kit steam custom image
Skyrim creation kit steam custom image

If your follower’s name is not being used by any other character in the game, you can make the ID the same as the Name, which is the way most of the vanilla NPCs are set up. M’aiq the Liar, for example, has MaiqTheLiar for an editor id no spaces, no apostrophe, and the first letter of ‘the’ capitalized to distinguish it from ‘Maiq’. For characters, the editor id and name are often the same, with the exception that editor ids can only use letters and numbers and cannot have spaces, punctuation, or unusual characters in them. Editor ids are the way that the Creation Kit identifies objects. The first thing you need to do is give your follower a unique editor id. The first tab is pretty easy to set up, but requires a fair amount of background. If you’re interested in finding out more, you can always refer to the wiki. This is just a basic tutorial, so I’m not going to cover every single option in the NPC dialog but I will cover all of the settings that you need to create a follower. If you click ‘No’, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to quit the Creation Kit, but I don’t recommend it unless you feel like loading everything again. You can cycle through all of the warnings by clicking ‘Yes’ or just click ‘Yes to All’ to jump past them. If you click ‘Yes’, it will clear the current warning and then another warning will appear. The Skyrim master file contains several benign errors that you will see every time you load a plugin these warnings are harmless so just skip past them by clicking ‘Yes to All’. When the editor is done loading the game files, you will probably see a pop up warning you about a navmesh error.

Skyrim creation kit steam custom image mods#

(You can find out more about creating and using simple mods in the Creation Kit starter tutorial linked to earlier.) Depending on your machine it may take anywhere from half a minute to a couple of minutes for the editor to load everything. Open the Creation Kit and load the game files in the Data browser: go to File, Data…, and double-click the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm so that a little x appears in each of the boxes. You’re now ready to begin working on the plugin that will get your new follower in-game. Once you’ve verified that it’s there, proceed to the next step. What you’re looking for is a file named after your character with an. Though it may be different if you installed Steam to a different directory.

skyrim creation kit steam custom image

If you have a 64-bit system, for most people, the file path will beĬ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\ That’s the folder one up from the Data folder and it contains both the Data folder and the Skyrim.exe. Once Skyrim has shut down, you can verify that your character’s appearance was exported successfully by looking in the Skyrim installation folder. If you get an error, double-check that you typed both the command and your character’s name correctly (you may need to exit ~ the console to verify this) and then try again. If something does go wrong, the console will probably give you an error message of some kind. If everything goes according to plan, the console will appear to do nothing and you can exit the console by typing ~ and then exit the game. Type SPF followed by a space and then the name of your character exactly as it appears in-game, then press Enter.įor my follower Tannuck, I would type: SPF Tannuck. Once the console is open, you’re going to use the SavePCFace command to export your character’s appearance: Open the console by typing the tilde ~ key, which is located in the upper left corner of standard North American keyboards below the Esc key. That might sound complicated, but it’s incredibly easy to do.

skyrim creation kit steam custom image

In order to get your new follower’s appearance out of the game and into the Creation Kit, you’re going to have to export it from Skyrim.

Skyrim creation kit steam custom image